Error handle plaintext failed:General error

We have an issue with decryption failing for a file encrypted with our public key by a 3rd party. This has been working successfully for months but we have migrated the process to a different server, original server was Windows 2012 R2, new server in Windows 2019.

The same encrypted file can still be successfully decrypted on the 2012 R2 server.

I can encrypt and decrypt a test file using the same key on the new 2019 server

thanks in advance

Dear Rob,

has there been any change in the used versions of Gpg4win or GnuPG (if you happend to use another GnuPG binary)?

If not do you both run this with the same permissions? Sometimes a permission problem can be the root cause for some issues, even if the files have been transfered correctly.

The next diagnostic step is to try to do decryption on the command line and add more diagnostics, see for a number ways that should be able to help.

Another cause could be that old key material is used, but the new version is stricter about this.
