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RE: Status of WinPT [ Reply ]
By: Julian Tosh on 2009-12-12 21:15
I'm sad to see this project ending because it is such a useful tool and I always recommend it to other PGP fans.
But over the last couple years I've pretty much stopped using windows so I haven't used it much.

For those of you out there that need an alternative, check out the FireGPG Firefox plugin that works on all platforms. You can learn more

Status of WinPT [ Reply ]
By: Timo Schulz on 2009-12-12 19:48

Hi everybody,

after a struggle for survival, we decided to discontinue the project. We do not know, if it will be permanent or just temporary. With our current crew, me as the only developer, it is impossible to modernize the source and to adjust the design to support recent operating systems. Not to forget fixing bugs, which become very complex because of legacy structures.

Without additional developers it is very unlikely that the project will be continued within the next 2 years.

We thank all users for their support and all contributors for their valuable contributions.