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RE: winpt not able to virify its own sigs [ Reply ]
By: Timo Schulz on 2008-07-20 18:07
To make sure I understand, you copy arbitrary text to the clipboard, sign it and WinPT does not correctly verify the output?

Maybe there is a problem with 8-bit characters. Did the text contain any special characters? Or is there any chance that anothr program modifies the clipboard?

winpt not able to virify its own sigs [ Reply ]
By: Otto Sykora on 2008-06-22 14:58
I have encountered big problem:
winpt 120, together with both gpg147 and gpg 149 does not verify sig made by itsellf.
When a text is signed by the winpt (clipboard or current window) the text later will be bad sig recognized by winpt, pgp (6 and 7) or enigma in thunderbird.
sigs made by other software will work.

When trying to vrify sigs made by winpt in enigma/tHB, then it looks as winpt is trying to do following command line:

gpg.exe --charset utf8 --batch --no-tty --status-fd 2 -d

it wil discover that the text (file) was signed by key ID C91D66B5 instead of 32DA33F9 and will get the correct mail address, but the sig verif will fail.

When doing encrypt and sign, it seems all goes fine so far.

Only all signatures fail so far.

The command --charset seems to be for some older version anyway, in present gpg this seem not exist in this form any more. Can this be the problem?