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RE: WinPT 1.2.0 Crashes [ Reply ]
By: Timo Schulz on 2008-09-06 18:00
Please could you provide some more details?
Does the crash happen with all keyservers,
or is there just a specific keyserver?

As noted on the website, we work on a new release which included minor modifications for the keyserver code.

RE: WinPT 1.2.0 Crashes [ Reply ]
By: Timo Schulz on 2008-09-06 17:58
Please could you elaborate on this?
Sure 1.2.0 has some problems, but I would not call it "extremely unstable".

If you have encountered other crashes, we would be glad if you could provide bug reports for them.


RE: WinPT 1.2.0 Crashes [ Reply ]
By: Oh Ryan on 2008-08-29 18:44
Yes. WinPT 1.2.0 is extremely unstable.

WinPT 1.2.0 Crashes [ Reply ]
By: Ryan Wong on 2007-10-16 22:18
I noticed that WinPT 1.2.0 has a stability problem as I frequently encounter crashes from time to time, in situations like refreshing of keys from the server and also retrieving and sending of keys from/to the server. Maybe there is a bug somewhere? Thanks!
