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RE: Kleopatra does not start on Windows 7 [ Reply ]
By: Fla Fla on 2016-12-28 22:06
I've installed the beta version and it's working ;)

RE: Kleopatra does not start on Windows 7 [ Reply ]
By: Fla Fla on 2016-12-28 22:05
I've installed the beta version and it's working ;)

RE: Kleopatra does not start on Windows 7 [ Reply ]
By: Fla Fla on 2016-12-28 21:58
Hello guys !
I've the exact same problem here on WIN7 X64.
Kleopatra doesn't run at all.
I see it on the desktop menup, and on the programs files folder.
When I try to run it, nothing appens, no error messages.
Runing the --version and --help doesn't work either.
For information, GNU PRIVACY ASSISTANT is working fine...


RE: Kleopatra does not start on Windows 7 [ Reply ]
By: Andre Heinecke on 2016-10-25 10:37
These paths are correct for gpg4win 3.0

"Program Files (x86)\Gpg4win\bin\kleopatra.exe" --version

"Program Files (x86)\Gpg4win\bin\kleopatra.exe" --help

For Gpg4win 2.x you have to use:

"Program Files (x86)\Gpg4win\kleopatra.exe"

Without the \bin\

RE: Kleopatra does not start on Windows 7 [ Reply ]
By: rpr nospam on 2016-10-24 09:02
I'd suggest that you start the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and type (or copy-paste) one of the following commands in that window:

"Program Files (x86)\Gpg4win\bin\kleopatra.exe" --version

"Program Files (x86)\Gpg4win\bin\kleopatra.exe" --help

A window should open displaying the output of the command (the Kleopatra version number or the help on Kleopatra command line options).

-- rpr.

RE: Kleopatra does not start on Windows 7 [ Reply ]
By: Michael Starr on 2016-10-22 17:43
It's 2.3.3 I found that out by looking at the install file, I can't access help because the software doesn't even open.

RE: Kleopatra does not start on Windows 7 [ Reply ]
By: Michael Starr on 2016-10-22 17:41
I reinstalled with the box checked and it still shows up in start menu (it did already before) but I click on it and nothing happens.

I did a reboot just to make sure the install was complete and I thought that that must be it but it didn't fix it.

RE: Kleopatra does not start on Windows 7 [ Reply ]
By: Michael Starr on 2016-10-22 17:17
Yes, the install is for 2.3.3. Should I try to install another version?

RE: Kleopatra does not start on Windows 7 [ Reply ]
By: rpr nospam on 2016-10-20 11:16

Clipboard01.png (38) downloads

It seems that, while you were installing Gpg4win, you turned off the option to install program links in the Start Menu - see the screenshot in the attachment. In that case the Kleopatra shortcut will not exist in the Start Menu.

You should reinstall Gpg4win to correct the problem.

BTW, when you start the Kleopatra, you can see the program version in Help > About (the version of installed Gpg4win can be also found in
Control Panel > Programs and Features).

-- rpr.

RE: Kleopatra does not start on Windows 7 [ Reply ]
By: Michael Starr on 2016-10-20 03:08
It is a clean install. I don't have MS Outlook. Start menu is where I try to run it and it doesn't work.

Windows 7 Home Premium SP 1 Toshiba Satellite C55-A Intel Core i3 64 bit

RE: Kleopatra does not start on Windows 7 [ Reply ]
By: Michael Starr on 2016-10-20 03:06
How do I find out what version I am using?

Do I need to be in the right folder for kleopatra.exe? My path isn't configured.

Where is the beta version?

RE: Kleopatra does not start on Windows 7 [ Reply ]
By: rpr nospam on 2016-10-19 07:40

Could you give a bit more details about your problem?

I suppose you installed Gpg4win 2.3.3. Is it a clean install or you upgraded from an earlier version?

And Kleopatra does not open in Systray when you start MS Outlook? Are you able to start Kleopatra from the Windows Start Menu?

Sometimes I see the problem that although Kleopatra is started, the dialog which asks for passphrase when you open an encrypted email does not get in the foreground (above other open windows). Is that what you wanted to ask?

-- rpr.

RE: Kleopatra does not start on Windows 7 [ Reply ]
By: Bernhard Reiter on 2016-10-19 07:35
Hi Michael,
thanks for trying Gpg4win.
Can you give us more details about your system and what you did?
(You've tried Gpg4win 2.3.3, didn't you?)

If you happen to be an IT expert, this page may have hints for you:

Especially could you try string "kleopatra.exe" on a prompt
and check messages?

Another way forward for your could be to try the beta versions.

Best Regards,

Kleopatra does not start on Windows 7 [ Reply ]
By: Michael Starr on 2016-10-19 04:49
I downloaded and installed GPG4Win from and Kleopatra does not open.

I am open to other suggestions for certificate managers / encryption software.