Resizing new notepad window for text files

Hi Andre again,

I started to test your version 3.1.0 b22 and I’ve seen a curious behaviour in Kleopatra:

I use a notebook with a screen resolution of 1024x600 pixels, so your kleopatra->notepad window is wider than my screen. When you open the kleopatra window you can resize, but when you then open the notepad window you can’t make narrower. Then when you close, nor the kleopatra window can’t be narrower. Vertical size is OK. Kleopatra needs to be exited to return to resizable window.

I think that this behaviour is easy to reproduce. I hope to be good described! ( English is not my normal language!)

Thanks for the Feeback on the beta.

That is indeed a small resolution :-). The Notepad has some minimum sizes to allow the text area to contain a standard PGP Message without linebreaks together with the recipient layout. I’ll have to look into the layout some more about how I can improve that.
I might check for the resolution and on smaller resolutions make the notepad show either the text area or the recipients, instead of both.

That you can’t resize the window when closing the notepad should be easily fixable, I think I know the reason for that. Had not really noticed that as my window is usually larger then the minimum size.

I created a task for this:

I’ve tried around with collapsing the splitter on smaller resolutions but it did not feel right. I now changed it to use a Tab Layout on any resolution.

As you reported, the splitter layout did not really work for small screen
resolutions. And in general it is nicer to have a very wide recipient selection layout.

Although this means an extra click for most users the layout improvement is probably worth it.

Here is how it looks now:

The minimum size is now 70 characters in font size 10. That should fit anywhere.

Much better, thks.

Do you know any freeware software for win7 able to record screens like this you have used in Linux? Could be useful for reporting bugs.
Do you prefer to report bugs to any other site?

B. R.

I am not 100% sure if I understand the question perfectly, but if the intent is to capture an image of the screen, then one [free] software which works very well is PRINTSCREEN, by Gadwin Systems.
Hope this helps.


Indeed screen recording for bug helps to avoid misunderstandings. For Windows I’ve used in the past. It’s not only Freeware but Free Software (as in, the sourcecode is available, too) :slight_smile:

On Linux I use Peek.

As for reporting Bugs, is our preferred tracker.

There are some notes and a link to a direct Gpg4win bug reporting form on:


That sounds like general information that should go to somewhere,
so we can refer to it.
